

    A payment with Custom Checkout involves 3 steps:

    1. Configure Custom Checkout in your client
    2. Create a token through Custom Checkout
    3. Create a payment by passing the token to our Payment API via your server

    Step 1: Configure Custom Checkout

    First, include and initialize Custom Checkout.

    <script src=''></script>
        var customCheckout = customcheckout();

    Second, create and mount the inputs. Mount the custom input to the HTML element using its CSS selector.

    <!-- ... -->
    <form id="checkout-form">
        <div id="card-number"></div>
        <div id="card-cvv"></div>
        <div id="card-expiry"></div>
        <!-- ... -->
        var customCheckout = customcheckout();
        var cardNumber = customCheckout.create('card-number')
        // ...
    <!-- ... -->

    You can add styling to the inputs when passing the options argument to customcheckout.create().

    // Styles to be applied to the text rendered in the iframe
    var style = {
      error: {
        color: 'red',
        ':focus': {
          fontStyle: 'italic',
    // Classes to be applied to the element wrapping the iframe
    var classes = {
      error: 'my-error-class',        
    var options = {
      placeholder: 'Card number',
      style: style,
      classes: classes,
      brands: ['visa', 'mastercard'],
    var cardNumber = customCheckout.create('card-number', options);

    Third, add an event listener so that you can handle validation errors.

    customCheckout.on('error', function(event) {
        if (event.field === 'card-number') {
          console.log('Card number has errors: ' + JSON.stringify(event));
        } else if (event.field === 'cvv') {
          console.log('CVV has errors: ' + JSON.stringify(event));
        } else if (event.field === 'expiry') {
          console.log('Expiry has errors: ' + JSON.stringify(event));
    customCheckout.on('complete', function(event) {
        if (event.field === 'card-number') {
          console.log('Card number is complete: ' + JSON.stringify(event));
        } else if (event.field === 'cvv') {
          console.log('CVV is complete: ' + JSON.stringify(event));
        } else if (event.field === 'expiry') {
          console.log('Expiry is complete: ' + JSON.stringify(event));

    Step 2: Create a token

    You request a token for the card data in the Custom Checkout text inputs at any time using customCheckout.createToken. It will only return a token if the card data is valid, otherwise it will return an error.

    The token returned is a nonce. It expires on-use or after 5 minutes.

    customCheckout.createToken(function (result) {
      if (result.error) {
        // display error message
      } else {
        // process token using our Payments API

    Step 3: Create a payment

    Once you have a token representing credit card data, the next step is to pass to one of our APIs via your server. You can either pass it to the Payment API to create a payment immediately, or pass it to the Payment Profile API to save the card data for future payments.

    You can find out more about getting up-and-running with our APIs here.