
    Test cards

    You can use the sample credit cards below to trigger different responses from our gateway. You can use them on test accounts, but not on your live account.


    Brand Card number CVV
    Visa 4030000010001234 123
    Mastercard 5100000010001004 123
    Mastercard (2-series BIN) 2223000048400011 123
    American Express 371100001000131 1234
    DISCOVER 6011500080009080 123


    Brand Card number CVV
    Visa 4003050500040005 123
    Mastercard 5100000020002000 123
    American Express 342400001000180 1234
    DISCOVER 6011000900901111 123

    3D Secure

    Brand Card number CVV Password
    Visa (Verified by Visa) 4123450131003312 123 12345
    Mastercard (SecureCode) 5105105105105100 123 12345
    American Express (SafeKey) 375987000000088 1234 12345

    Test amounts

    Brand Card number CVV
    Visa 4504481742333 123
    • Approved for transactions less than $100
    • Declined for transactions higher than $100


    All billing addresses in the Canada or the United States will trigger an AVS response. You can trigger an approved AVS response on all test cards with the same street address and postal code:

    • Street address - 2659 Douglas St
    • Postal code - V8T 4M3


    Simulate delayed responses from the gateway, with associated approvals and declines. Transactions take 45+ seconds to respond.


    The transaction takes 45+ seconds to respond and returns as approved.

    Brand Card number CVV Response
    Visa 4485349439401891 123 Approved
    Mastercard 5396191225134160 123 Approved


    The transaction takes 45+ seconds to respond and returns as declined.

    Brand Card number CVV Response
    Visa 4539939815032280 123 Declined
    Mastercard 5366520542338805 123 Declined
    Visa 4872385877270993 123 55 Transaction timeout - No transaction response
    Visa 4294215026184763 123 158 Declined - TIMEOUT
    Visa 4104631199283796 123 54 Transaction timeout - No available device