Onboarding API Specifications
Version: 2016-08-18
Pass the Authorization header in your request as "Authorization: Token INSERT_KEY_HERE. Contact Bambora to get an API Key generated for you if you don't have one.
Name | In |
api_key | header |
Creates a new SEPA-EUR application. The state of the application will be returned in a successful request. The response will include an application id that should be used for all future requests to that application.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | body | application | SEPA-EUR application details | SepaEurApplicationRequest |
Parameter Schema Definitions |
Defines a SEPA-EUR application request
maxLength: 2
The language that the application was created in. pricing_id* : string maxLength: 32 description:The reference number for the pricing package associated with an application applicant* : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business* : SepaEurBusiness { The details of a European business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in EUR. entity_type* : string Enum (9) public_limited private_limited limited_liability_partnership combination_partnership partnership sole_trader community_interest charitable_incorporated other description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 legal_name* : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone registration_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of SepaEurDirector { Defines a SEPA European business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : EuropeanBankAccount { Defines a European bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 bank_name* : string maxLength: 32 swift_code* : string maxLength: 11 description:Must be either 8 or 11 characters in length. Characters 1-4 are letters (A-Z). Characters 5-6 are a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO3166-1alpha-2). To verify a SWIFT/BIC code and for example SWIFT/BIC codes, see http://formvalidation.io/validators/bic/. iban* : string maxLength: 34 description:Must be valid IBAN. To verify an IBAN and get example IBANS, see https://formvalidation.io/guide/validators/iban } documents : array of SepaEurFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (7) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members mandate description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Mandate" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Application created | ApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request | ErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines information about the application
The id of the application api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Retrieves all applications referenced by the given criteria in the url. A search criteria can be a combination of the following:
Documents file data will be excluded to limit the amount of data on the wire.
No parameters
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application(s) retrieved | Array of SepaEurApplicationResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines a SEPA-EUR application response
The identifier for the application language : string description:The language that the application was created in. url : string description:The URL of the application type : string description:The workflow that the application is associated with api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with merchant_id : integer description:This merchant identifier is populated when the application is approved and a merchant account has been associated. pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application partner_username : string description:The username of the partner the application is associated with pricing_package : PricingPackage { The full pricing package associated with an application id : integer description:The id of the pricing package sales_person_name : string description:The sales person associated with the pricing package description : string description:The description of the pricing package billing_items : array of BillingItem { id : integer description:The id of the billing item amount : string description:The amount that the billing item will be billed at prefix : string description:The symbol for the unit (%, $ or other currency symbol) service : string description:Human readable description of the billing item } channel_partner_id : integer description:The BIC channel partner id associated with the pricing packge enabled : boolean description:Whether the pricing package is enabled or disabled name : string description:The name of the pricing package channel_partner_name : string description:The name of the channel partner associated with the pricing package onboarding_link : string description:The URL of the onboarding screens for the pricing package pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application application_type : string description:The workflow that the pricing package is associated with created_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was created updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was last updated message : string description:An explanation of why the pricing package was not included (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) status_code : integer description:http code for the pricing package (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) } status : ApplicationStatus { Defines information about the application status. state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] updated_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] submitted_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put into review in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] on_hold_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put on hold in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] approved_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was approved in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } applicant : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business : SepaEurBusiness { The details of a European business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in EUR. entity_type* : string Enum (9) public_limited private_limited limited_liability_partnership combination_partnership partnership sole_trader community_interest charitable_incorporated other description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 legal_name* : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone registration_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of SepaEurDirector { Defines a SEPA European business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : EuropeanBankAccount { Defines a European bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 bank_name* : string maxLength: 32 swift_code* : string maxLength: 11 description:Must be either 8 or 11 characters in length. Characters 1-4 are letters (A-Z). Characters 5-6 are a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO3166-1alpha-2). To verify a SWIFT/BIC code and for example SWIFT/BIC codes, see http://formvalidation.io/validators/bic/. iban* : string maxLength: 34 description:Must be valid IBAN. To verify an IBAN and get example IBANS, see https://formvalidation.io/guide/validators/iban } documents : array of SepaEurFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (7) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members mandate description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Mandate" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Updates a SEPA-EUR application referenced by the given applicationId.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to update | integer |
true | body | application | SEPA-EUR Application details | SepaEurApplicationRequest |
Parameter Schema Definitions |
Defines a SEPA-EUR application request
maxLength: 2
The language that the application was created in. pricing_id* : string maxLength: 32 description:The reference number for the pricing package associated with an application applicant* : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business* : SepaEurBusiness { The details of a European business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in EUR. entity_type* : string Enum (9) public_limited private_limited limited_liability_partnership combination_partnership partnership sole_trader community_interest charitable_incorporated other description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 legal_name* : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone registration_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of SepaEurDirector { Defines a SEPA European business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : EuropeanBankAccount { Defines a European bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 bank_name* : string maxLength: 32 swift_code* : string maxLength: 11 description:Must be either 8 or 11 characters in length. Characters 1-4 are letters (A-Z). Characters 5-6 are a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO3166-1alpha-2). To verify a SWIFT/BIC code and for example SWIFT/BIC codes, see http://formvalidation.io/validators/bic/. iban* : string maxLength: 34 description:Must be valid IBAN. To verify an IBAN and get example IBANS, see https://formvalidation.io/guide/validators/iban } documents : array of SepaEurFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (7) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members mandate description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Mandate" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application updated | ApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request | ErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Application not found | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines information about the application
The id of the application api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Retrieves a SEPA-EUR application referenced by the given applicationId.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to retrieve | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application retrieved | SepaEurApplicationResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Application not found | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines a SEPA-EUR application response
The identifier for the application language : string description:The language that the application was created in. url : string description:The URL of the application type : string description:The workflow that the application is associated with api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with merchant_id : integer description:This merchant identifier is populated when the application is approved and a merchant account has been associated. pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application partner_username : string description:The username of the partner the application is associated with pricing_package : PricingPackage { The full pricing package associated with an application id : integer description:The id of the pricing package sales_person_name : string description:The sales person associated with the pricing package description : string description:The description of the pricing package billing_items : array of BillingItem { id : integer description:The id of the billing item amount : string description:The amount that the billing item will be billed at prefix : string description:The symbol for the unit (%, $ or other currency symbol) service : string description:Human readable description of the billing item } channel_partner_id : integer description:The BIC channel partner id associated with the pricing packge enabled : boolean description:Whether the pricing package is enabled or disabled name : string description:The name of the pricing package channel_partner_name : string description:The name of the channel partner associated with the pricing package onboarding_link : string description:The URL of the onboarding screens for the pricing package pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application application_type : string description:The workflow that the pricing package is associated with created_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was created updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was last updated message : string description:An explanation of why the pricing package was not included (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) status_code : integer description:http code for the pricing package (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) } status : ApplicationStatus { Defines information about the application status. state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] updated_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] submitted_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put into review in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] on_hold_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put on hold in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] approved_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was approved in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } applicant : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business : SepaEurBusiness { The details of a European business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in EUR. entity_type* : string Enum (9) public_limited private_limited limited_liability_partnership combination_partnership partnership sole_trader community_interest charitable_incorporated other description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 legal_name* : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone registration_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of SepaEurDirector { Defines a SEPA European business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : EuropeanBankAccount { Defines a European bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 bank_name* : string maxLength: 32 swift_code* : string maxLength: 11 description:Must be either 8 or 11 characters in length. Characters 1-4 are letters (A-Z). Characters 5-6 are a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO3166-1alpha-2). To verify a SWIFT/BIC code and for example SWIFT/BIC codes, see http://formvalidation.io/validators/bic/. iban* : string maxLength: 34 description:Must be valid IBAN. To verify an IBAN and get example IBANS, see https://formvalidation.io/guide/validators/iban } documents : array of SepaEurFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (7) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members mandate description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Mandate" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Creates a SEPA-EUR application document for the referenced applicationId. Returns the status of the application.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to create a document in | integer |
true | body | document | Document details | SepaEurFile |
Parameter Schema Definitions |
Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload.
Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Mandate" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Document created | ApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request data or invalid api version | CombinedErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Application not found | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines information about the application
The id of the application api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an document endpoint error
Whether or not the request succeeded. If this is returned, response_status and errors will not be message : string description:A human readable message about the error. If this is returned, response_status and errors will not be response_status : integer description:The http response code returned. If this is returned, status and message will not be errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Retrieve a SEPA-EUR application document for the referenced applicationId, documentName and documentType. The content type of the response returned will depend on the documentType passed into the path.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to get the document from | integer |
true | path | documentName | The name of the document to get | string |
true | path | documentType | The type of the document to get | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Document retrieved successfully | 200 Response |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Document not found | ErrorResponse |
500 | Unexpected error or application not found |
Response Schema Definitions |
200 Response
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Deletes a SEPA-EUR application document for the referenced applicationId and documentName. Returns the status of the application.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to delete the document from | integer |
true | path | documentName | The name of the document to delete | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Document deleted successfully | |
400 | Invalid document id or invalid api version | CombinedErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Document not found | ErrorResponse |
500 | Unexpected error or application not found |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines an document endpoint error
Whether or not the request succeeded. If this is returned, response_status and errors will not be message : string description:A human readable message about the error. If this is returned, response_status and errors will not be response_status : integer description:The http response code returned. If this is returned, status and message will not be errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Creates a new BACS-GBP application. The state of the application will be returned in a successful request. The response will include an application id that should be used for all future requests to that application.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | body | application | BACS-GBP Application details | BacsGbpApplicationRequest |
Parameter Schema Definitions |
Defines a BACS-GBP application request
maxLength: 2
The language that the application was created in. pricing_id* : string maxLength: 32 description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application applicant* : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business* : BacsGbpBusiness { The details of a BACS United Kingdom business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in GBP. entity_type* : string Enum (9) public_limited private_limited limited_liability_partnership combination_partnership partnership sole_trader community_interest charitable_incorporated other description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 legal_name* : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone registration_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of BacsGbpDirector { Defines a BACS United Kingdom business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : UnitedKingdomBankAccount { Defines a United Kingdom bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 bank_name* : string maxLength: 32 sort_code* : string pattern: ^\d{2}-?\d{2}-?\d{2}$ account_number* : string pattern: ^\d{8}$ } documents : array of BacsGbpFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (7) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members direct_debit description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Direct Debit Instructions" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Application created | ApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request | ErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines information about the application
The id of the application api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Retrieves all applications referenced by the given criteria in the url. A search criteria can be a combination of the following:
Documents file data will be excluded to limit the amount of data on the wire.
No parameters
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application(s) retrieved | Array of BacsGbpApplicationResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines a BACS-GBP application response
The identifier for the application language : string description:The language that the application was created in. url : string description:The URL of the application type : string description:The workflow that the application is associated with api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with merchant_id : integer description:This merchant identifier is populated when the application is approved and a merchant account has been associated. pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application pricing_package : PricingPackage { The full pricing package associated with an application id : integer description:The id of the pricing package sales_person_name : string description:The sales person associated with the pricing package description : string description:The description of the pricing package billing_items : array of BillingItem { id : integer description:The id of the billing item amount : string description:The amount that the billing item will be billed at prefix : string description:The symbol for the unit (%, $ or other currency symbol) service : string description:Human readable description of the billing item } channel_partner_id : integer description:The BIC channel partner id associated with the pricing packge enabled : boolean description:Whether the pricing package is enabled or disabled name : string description:The name of the pricing package channel_partner_name : string description:The name of the channel partner associated with the pricing package onboarding_link : string description:The URL of the onboarding screens for the pricing package pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application application_type : string description:The workflow that the pricing package is associated with created_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was created updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was last updated message : string description:An explanation of why the pricing package was not included (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) status_code : integer description:http code for the pricing package (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) } partner_username : string description:The username of the partner the application is associated with status : ApplicationStatus { Defines information about the application status. state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] updated_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] submitted_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put into review in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] on_hold_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put on hold in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] approved_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was approved in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } applicant : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business : BacsGbpBusiness { The details of a BACS United Kingdom business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in GBP. entity_type* : string Enum (9) public_limited private_limited limited_liability_partnership combination_partnership partnership sole_trader community_interest charitable_incorporated other description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 legal_name* : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone registration_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of BacsGbpDirector { Defines a BACS United Kingdom business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : UnitedKingdomBankAccount { Defines a United Kingdom bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 bank_name* : string maxLength: 32 sort_code* : string pattern: ^\d{2}-?\d{2}-?\d{2}$ account_number* : string pattern: ^\d{8}$ } documents : array of BacsGbpFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (7) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members direct_debit description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Direct Debit Instructions" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Updates a BACS-GBP application referenced by the given applicationId.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to update | integer |
true | body | application | BACS-GBP Application details | BacsGbpApplicationRequest |
Parameter Schema Definitions |
Defines a BACS-GBP application request
maxLength: 2
The language that the application was created in. pricing_id* : string maxLength: 32 description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application applicant* : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business* : BacsGbpBusiness { The details of a BACS United Kingdom business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in GBP. entity_type* : string Enum (9) public_limited private_limited limited_liability_partnership combination_partnership partnership sole_trader community_interest charitable_incorporated other description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 legal_name* : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone registration_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of BacsGbpDirector { Defines a BACS United Kingdom business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : UnitedKingdomBankAccount { Defines a United Kingdom bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 bank_name* : string maxLength: 32 sort_code* : string pattern: ^\d{2}-?\d{2}-?\d{2}$ account_number* : string pattern: ^\d{8}$ } documents : array of BacsGbpFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (7) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members direct_debit description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Direct Debit Instructions" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application updated | ApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request | ErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Application not found | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines information about the application
The id of the application api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Retrieves a BACS-GBP application referenced by the given applicationId.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to retrieve | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application retrieved | BacsGbpApplicationResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Application not found | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines a BACS-GBP application response
The identifier for the application language : string description:The language that the application was created in. url : string description:The URL of the application type : string description:The workflow that the application is associated with api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with merchant_id : integer description:This merchant identifier is populated when the application is approved and a merchant account has been associated. pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application pricing_package : PricingPackage { The full pricing package associated with an application id : integer description:The id of the pricing package sales_person_name : string description:The sales person associated with the pricing package description : string description:The description of the pricing package billing_items : array of BillingItem { id : integer description:The id of the billing item amount : string description:The amount that the billing item will be billed at prefix : string description:The symbol for the unit (%, $ or other currency symbol) service : string description:Human readable description of the billing item } channel_partner_id : integer description:The BIC channel partner id associated with the pricing packge enabled : boolean description:Whether the pricing package is enabled or disabled name : string description:The name of the pricing package channel_partner_name : string description:The name of the channel partner associated with the pricing package onboarding_link : string description:The URL of the onboarding screens for the pricing package pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application application_type : string description:The workflow that the pricing package is associated with created_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was created updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was last updated message : string description:An explanation of why the pricing package was not included (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) status_code : integer description:http code for the pricing package (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) } partner_username : string description:The username of the partner the application is associated with status : ApplicationStatus { Defines information about the application status. state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] updated_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] submitted_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put into review in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] on_hold_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put on hold in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] approved_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was approved in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } applicant : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business : BacsGbpBusiness { The details of a BACS United Kingdom business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in GBP. entity_type* : string Enum (9) public_limited private_limited limited_liability_partnership combination_partnership partnership sole_trader community_interest charitable_incorporated other description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 legal_name* : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone registration_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of BacsGbpDirector { Defines a BACS United Kingdom business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : UnitedKingdomBankAccount { Defines a United Kingdom bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 bank_name* : string maxLength: 32 sort_code* : string pattern: ^\d{2}-?\d{2}-?\d{2}$ account_number* : string pattern: ^\d{8}$ } documents : array of BacsGbpFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (7) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members direct_debit description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Direct Debit Instructions" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Creates a BACS-GBP application document for the referenced applicationId. Returns the status of the application.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to create a document in | integer |
true | body | document | Document details | BacsGbpFile |
Parameter Schema Definitions |
Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload.
Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)", "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" and "Direct Debit Instructions" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Document created | ApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request data or invalid api version | CombinedErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Application not found | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines information about the application
The id of the application api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an document endpoint error
Whether or not the request succeeded. If this is returned, response_status and errors will not be message : string description:A human readable message about the error. If this is returned, response_status and errors will not be response_status : integer description:The http response code returned. If this is returned, status and message will not be errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Get a BACS-GBP application document for the referenced applicationId, documentName and documentType. The content type of the response returned will depend on the documentType passed into the path.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to get the document from | integer |
true | path | documentName | The name of the document to get | string |
true | path | documentType | The type of the document to get | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Document retrieved successfully | 200 Response |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Document not found | ErrorResponse |
500 | Unexpected error or application not found |
Response Schema Definitions |
200 Response
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Deletes a BACS-GBP application document for the referenced applicationId and documentName. Returns the status of the application.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to delete the document from | integer |
true | path | documentName | The name of the document to delete | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Document deleted successfully | |
400 | Invalid document id or invalid api version | CombinedErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Document not found | ErrorResponse |
500 | Unexpected error or application not found |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines an document endpoint error
Whether or not the request succeeded. If this is returned, response_status and errors will not be message : string description:A human readable message about the error. If this is returned, response_status and errors will not be response_status : integer description:The http response code returned. If this is returned, status and message will not be errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Creates a new ACH-USD application. The state of the application will be returned in a successful request. The response will include an application id that should be used for all future requests to that application.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | body | application | ACH-USD Application details | AchUsdApplicationRequest |
Parameter Schema Definitions |
Defines an ACH-USD application request
maxLength: 2
The language that the application was created in. pricing_id* : string maxLength: 32 description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application applicant* : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business* : AchUsdBusiness { The details of an ACH American business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in USD. entity_type* : string Enum (8) sole_proprietor partnership limited_partnership joint_venture corporation non_profit publicly_traded charitable_organization description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 registration_location : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone business_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of AchUsdDirector { Defines an ACH American business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : AmericanBankAccount { Defines an American bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 routing_number* : string pattern: ^\d{9}$ account_number* : string pattern: ^\d{1,17}$ } documents : array of AchUsdFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (6) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)" and "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Application created | ApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request | ErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines information about the application
The id of the application api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Retrieves all applications referenced by the given criteria in the url. A search criteria can be a combination of the following:
Documents file data will be excluded to limit the amount of data on the wire.
No parameters
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application(s) retrieved | Array of AchUsdApplicationResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines an ACH-USD application response
The identifier for the application language : string description:The language that the application was created in. url : string description:The URL of the application type : string description:The workflow that the application is associated with api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with merchant_id : integer description:This merchant identifier is populated when the application is approved and a merchant account has been associated. pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application partner_username : string description:The username of the partner the application is associated with pricing_package : PricingPackage { The full pricing package associated with an application id : integer description:The id of the pricing package sales_person_name : string description:The sales person associated with the pricing package description : string description:The description of the pricing package billing_items : array of BillingItem { id : integer description:The id of the billing item amount : string description:The amount that the billing item will be billed at prefix : string description:The symbol for the unit (%, $ or other currency symbol) service : string description:Human readable description of the billing item } channel_partner_id : integer description:The BIC channel partner id associated with the pricing packge enabled : boolean description:Whether the pricing package is enabled or disabled name : string description:The name of the pricing package channel_partner_name : string description:The name of the channel partner associated with the pricing package onboarding_link : string description:The URL of the onboarding screens for the pricing package pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application application_type : string description:The workflow that the pricing package is associated with created_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was created updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was last updated message : string description:An explanation of why the pricing package was not included (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) status_code : integer description:http code for the pricing package (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) } status : ApplicationStatus { Defines information about the application status. state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] updated_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] submitted_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put into review in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] on_hold_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put on hold in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] approved_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was approved in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } applicant : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business : AchUsdBusiness { The details of an ACH American business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in USD. entity_type* : string Enum (8) sole_proprietor partnership limited_partnership joint_venture corporation non_profit publicly_traded charitable_organization description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 registration_location : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone business_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of AchUsdDirector { Defines an ACH American business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : AmericanBankAccount { Defines an American bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 routing_number* : string pattern: ^\d{9}$ account_number* : string pattern: ^\d{1,17}$ } documents : array of AchUsdFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (6) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)" and "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Updates an ACH-USD application referenced by the given applicationId.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to update | integer |
true | body | application | ACD-USD Application details | AchUsdApplicationRequest |
Parameter Schema Definitions |
Defines an ACH-USD application request
maxLength: 2
The language that the application was created in. pricing_id* : string maxLength: 32 description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application applicant* : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business* : AchUsdBusiness { The details of an ACH American business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in USD. entity_type* : string Enum (8) sole_proprietor partnership limited_partnership joint_venture corporation non_profit publicly_traded charitable_organization description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 registration_location : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone business_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } directors* : array of AchUsdDirector { Defines an ACH American business owner or director first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 date_of_birth* : string format: date-time description:Defines the birthday in ISO 8601 format with a timezone start_date* : string format: date-time description:Defines the ownership start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone percentage : number format: float32 maximum: 100 minimum: 0 description:Defines the percentage, from 0.00 to 100.00, of the company ownership. address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MF MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SX SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW description:Valid ISO 3166-1 country code postal_code : string maxLength: 7 description:Postal/Zip code } } bank_account* : AmericanBankAccount { Defines an American bank account owner_name* : string maxLength: 64 routing_number* : string pattern: ^\d{9}$ account_number* : string pattern: ^\d{1,17}$ } documents : array of AchUsdFile { Defines a document that is required for application approval. There is a 10MB upload limit per file upload. name* : string Enum (6) copy_id void_cheque bank_statement certificate registration board_members description:Name of the document. This will match to one of the list of possible files. This is a read-only attribute. The options are "Copy id (Owner and/or Principal) - govt issued photo id", "Void Check or Bank Statement", "Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)", "Non-Profit Registration Documents (if applicable)" and "List of Board Members (public and NFP companies)" type* : string Enum (6) jpg jpeg doc docx pdf png description:File type of the document; accepted file formats. notes : string description:Description of the document and the contents that it must contain. base64* : string description:The document data, submitted as a base64 encoded string.. uri : string description:The URI that allows retrieval of the documents using the GET /applications/{id}/documents/{name}. [ReadOnly] } } } |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application updated | ApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request | ErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Application not found | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines information about the application
The id of the application api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Defines an error
The http response code returned errors : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } |
Retrieves an ACH-USD application referenced by the given applicationId.
Required | In | Name | Description | Schema |
true | path | applicationId | The id of the application to retrieve | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Application retrieved | AchUsdApplicationResponse |
400 | Invalid request | ErrorResponse |
403 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Application not found | ErrorResponse |
Response Schema Definitions |
Defines an ACH-USD application response
description: The identifier for the application language : string description:The language that the application was created in. url : string description:The URL of the application type : string description:The workflow that the application is associated with api_version : string description:The API version that the application was created with merchant_id : integer description:This merchant identifier is populated when the application is approved and a merchant account has been associated. pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application partner_username : string description:The username of the partner the application is associated with pricing_package : PricingPackage { The full pricing package associated with an application id : integer description:The id of the pricing package sales_person_name : string description:The sales person associated with the pricing package description : string description:The description of the pricing package billing_items : array of BillingItem { id : integer description:The id of the billing item amount : string description:The amount that the billing item will be billed at prefix : string description:The symbol for the unit (%, $ or other currency symbol) service : string description:Human readable description of the billing item } channel_partner_id : integer description:The BIC channel partner id associated with the pricing packge enabled : boolean description:Whether the pricing package is enabled or disabled name : string description:The name of the pricing package channel_partner_name : string description:The name of the channel partner associated with the pricing package onboarding_link : string description:The URL of the onboarding screens for the pricing package pricing_id : string description:The identifier for the pricing package associated with an application application_type : string description:The workflow that the pricing package is associated with created_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was created updated_on : string format: date-time description:The date the pricing package was last updated message : string description:An explanation of why the pricing package was not included (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) status_code : integer description:http code for the pricing package (will only be available if pricing package retrieval is unsuccessful) } status : ApplicationStatus { Defines information about the application status. state : string Enum (5) in_progress in_review on_hold rejected approved description:The state of the application. Possible values are "inprogress", "inreview", "on_hold", "rejected", "approved" created_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was created in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] updated_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was modified in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] submitted_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put into review in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] on_hold_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was put on hold in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] approved_on : string format: date-time description:Defines the date when the application was approved in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] pending_issues : array of Error { Defines an error name : string description:A field associated with the error reason : string description:A human readable reason for the error message : string description:A message code for the error } } applicant : Applicant { The individual completing the application first_name* : string maxLength: 64 last_name* : string maxLength: 64 phone_number* : string maxLength: 15 agreement* : Agreement { Defines an terms and conditions agreement between a merchant and Bambora name* : string description:Defines the name of the agreement version* : string description:Defines the version of the agreement personal_guarantee_accepted : boolean description:The applicant has read and accepted the terms of a personal guarantee. timestamp* : string format: date-time description:Defines the date of the application terms and conditions agreeent in ISO 8601 format with a timezone [ReadOnly] } email* : string maxLength: 500 has_consented : boolean description:Defines if a user has agreed to data collection } business : AchUsdBusiness { The details of an ACH American business company_name* : string maxLength: 64 annual_sales* : number format: float32 description:This is the annual sales volume in USD. entity_type* : string Enum (8) sole_proprietor partnership limited_partnership joint_venture corporation non_profit publicly_traded charitable_organization description:This is the business entity type website_url : string format: uri maxLength: 128 registration_location : string maxLength: 64 start_date* : string format: date-time description:This is the business start date in ISO 8601 format with a timezone business_number : string maxLength: 32 dba_name* : string maxLength: 32 description:This is the "doing business as" name batch_settings* : BatchSettings { The details of a batch requirements frequency* : string Enum (7) daily weekly bi_weekly monthly bi_monthly semi_annually annually average_amount* : number format: float32 maximum_amount* : number format: float32 } address* : Address { Defines a generic address address_line1* : string maxLength: 64 address_line2 : string maxLength: 64 city* : string maxLength: 64 region : string maxLength: 64 description:Valid ISO 3166-2 code for the State/Province/Municipality/Region. Cannot be more than three characters. country* : string Enum (249) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AX AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BL BM BN BO BQ BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CW CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR GA GB GD GE GF GG GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE |