
    Redirect parameters

    Transaction information is returned as key/value pairs of the query string passed in the URL of a GET request.

    Variable Type Description
    trnApproved Binary digit 1 - transaction is approved, 0 - transaction is declined.
    trnId 8 digits The unique identifier the transaction.
    authCode Up to 32 alphanumeric characters The unique identifier from the bank for approved transaction.
    messageID Up to 3 digits The response code from the bank. See table.
    messageText Characters Description of the messageID.
    responseType Single character Always "T" as a completed transaction response.
    trnAmount Up to 9 digits The amount of the transaction.
    trnDate 20 alphanumeric The date and time the transaction was processed.
    trnOrderNumber Up to 30 alphanumeric characters The order number. Defaults to the trnId value.
    trnLanguage 3 alpha chars eng - English, fre - French.
    trnCustomerName - Always blank for Checkout transactions.
    trnEmailAddress - Always blank for Checkout transactions.
    trnPhoneNumber - Always blank for Checkout transactions
    cvdID Single digit See table.
    cardType 2 alpha chars See table.
    trnType Up to 3 alphanumeric characters The type of transaction. See table.
    paymentMethod 2 character alphanumeric CC - credit card.
    ref1 Up to 256 alphanumeric characters Custom order reference.
    ref2 Up to 256 alphanumeric characters Custom order reference.
    ref3 Up to 256 alphanumeric characters Custom order reference.
    ref4 Up to 256 alphanumeric characters Custom order reference.
    ref5 Up to 256 alphanumeric characters Custom order reference.
    eci Single digit See table.


    Variable Type Description
    avsProcessed Binary digit 1 is a successful attempt, 0 is no attempt to perform AVS.
    avsID Single digit ID number from an AVS response. See table.
    avsResult Binary digit Both address and postal/ZIP code match. 1 is a match, 0 is a mismatch.
    avsAddrMatch Binary digit Street address match. 1 is a match, 0 is different.
    avsPostalMatch Binary digit Postal/ZIP code match. 1 is a match, 0 is different.
    avsMessage Up to 128 alphanumeric characters Description of the avsID.


    Variable Type Description
    rspCavResult Single digit CAV. 1 - validation passed, 2 - validation failed.
    rspCodeAddr*N* 3 digits CAV. Up to four address codes will be returned for each CAV item. (respCodeAddr1, rspCodeAddr2, etc)
    rspCodeCav 3 digits If CAV service is enabled with service version 1.0, a single Equifax response message will be returned here.
    rspCodeCredit*N* 3 digits CAV. Up to four address codes will be returned for each CAV item. (rspCodeCredit1, rspCodeCredit2, etc) CAV.
    rspCodeDob 4 digits CAV. A Date of Birth match response code.
    rspCodeSafeScan Single character 1 to 20 detailed SafeScan codes will be returned in this parameter. Requires service subscription. In SafeScan versions 1.1 and higher, multiple codes are appended with a separator.
    rspCodeSafeScanID Single character 1 to 20 SafeScanID codes may be returned. Requires service subscription. In SafeScan ID version 1.1 and higher, multiple values are returned with a separator.
    rspCustomerDec Alphanumeric Provides information specific to any consumer declaration recorded on the consumer’s credit file.