
    FlexCommissions Report API

    This document lists and describes the properties expected in the request and response objects.


    The API expects an XML document in the body of the request. The XML declaration should identify the version as "1.0" and the encoding as "UTF-8".

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    The API requires the XML document to include merchantId and passCode elements for authorization, and serviceName and rptFormat elements to identify the format of report to be returned. All other supported elements are filters to constrain the results in the report.

    Filters are assembled as in groups containing a column name (rptFilterBy), and a value (rptFilterValue). The API requires the XML document to include both, if any one is included.


    • merchantId - The authorizing partner ID. Length: 9 chars. [Numeric string]
    • passCode - The reporting passcode for the authorizing merchant. Max length: 64 chars. [Alphanumeric string]
    • serviceName - Type of report
      • flexcommissions_payouts
    • rptFormat - Format of the response, valid values are
      • JSON
      • XML
    • rptVersion - API version. Current version: "1.0" [Numeric String]
    • rptFilterBy
      • status - Status of a FlexCommissions payout record.
    • rptFilterValue - Valid values for 'status' filter are (case insensitive)
      • Scheduled
      • On Hold
      • Superseded
      • In Process
      • Approved
      • Declined
      • Pending Payment
      • Full Payment
    • rptDays - The number of days from today to look at history.
    • rptFromDateTime - Start date and time when a FlexCommissions payout calculation happened.
    • rptToDateTime - End date and time when a FlexCommissions payout calculation happened.
    • rptStartRow - The first row number in the result set.
    • rptEndRow - The last row number in the result set.
    • camelCase - Default is true. If set to false, snake case will be used for response fields.


    The format of the response object is relative to rptFormat element in the request in either JSON or XML formats.

    JSON and XML response object contains a "code" property indicating the success of the request. This will be a number between 1 and 8, inclusive, where "1" indicates success. It also has a message property with a description of the code.

    • Code: "1", Message: "Report Generated"
    • Code: "2", Message: "Unknown error"
    • Code: "3", Message: "Malformed xml request"
    • Code: "4", Message: "Unsupported content type"
    • Code: "5", Message: "Unsecure connection"
    • Code: "6", Message: "Data validation failed"
    • Code: "7", Message: "Authentication failed"
    • Code: "8", Message: "Authorization failed"

    Report Fields

    This section documents the fields returned in response body.

    • payout_id - FlexCommissions payout identifier. This is a unique value.
    • amount - Amount of the FlexCommissions payout record to settle in partner's account.
    • start_datetime - Date and time since the previous payout is calculated or if there is no previous payout then when the FlexCommissions service is first enabled.
    • end_datetime - Date and time when the FlexCommissions is calculated.
    • expected_settlement_date - Date the FlexCommissions payout is expected to settle.
    • statement_id - Id of a statement that includes the FlexCommissions payout.
    • status - Status of the FlexCommissions payout record.