
    Recurring Payment

    The Recurring Payment API allows you to schedule series of payments to automatically charge your customers every day, week, month or year.

    Note: The Recurring Payment API supports basic use cases only. For all other recurring payments we recommend that you handle scheduling on your side while using our Payment Profiles to store card data.


    Create from a Payment Profile or with a single-use token returned by Custom Checkout.

    Scheduling is set by both rbBillingPeriod and rbBillingIncrement parameters. The period is unit of measurement for the frequency of the payment: day, week, month or year. The increment is the number of periods between each payment. For example, you may want a payment to recur once a month or every 3 months.

    A billing cycle can begin on any day or date. If you are setting a monthly billing cycle, you can set the last day of each month as the billing date with the rbEndMonth parameters.

    You can set an end date for a billing cycle using the rbExpiry parameter, or you can set the payment to continue indefinitely with the rbNeverExpires.

    You can defer the first charge by setting both rbCharge and rbFirstBilling parameters. The first parameter controls whether or not to charge the card immediately. The second sets the date for the first charge.

    You can prorate the first payment by setting both rbFirstBilling and rbSecondBilling parameters. The value of the first payment will be calculated according to the difference between the first and second payment dates and the set interval for the payment.

    Sample request

    curl -X POST \

    Sample response



    You can modify a recurring payment to change its amount or schedule. You can put a payment on hold or you can close it.

    If a recurring payment is disabled and later reactivated back, payments will be charged unless the processBackPayments parameter is passed.

    You can only use actual card data when updating the payment card associated with a recurring payment account. Using either a single-use token, or a Payment Profile customer code will not work. We recommend that you create a new recurring payment if you need to change card data.

    You cannot update the payment card a recurring payment account using either a using a single-use token, or a Payment Profile. We recommend that you create a new recurring payment if you need to change card data.

    Sample request

    curl -X POST \

    Sample response

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
        <message>Request successful</message>


    You can register for a callback when recurring payments are processed. The callback URL is set in the Member Area. Click administration, then account settings, and then order settings, under Response Notification.

    The parameters posted to the webhook are the same as those returned by the API when first creating a Recurring Account.

    Testing redirects

    You may find it helpful while testing to use tools that allow you to inspect and debug webhook requests like PutsReq.