After the user clicks on the link or button on your site, they are redirected to the Worldline Checkout Form.
You can configure the form in the Member Area. You can control what fields are displayed by default. Click on configuration, and select checkout to find a list of title and form options.
These settings control the default appearance of the form. They can be overridden by settings passed in the URL.
Once you've finished customizing your form's fields, click View Preview at the bottom of the page to see your payment form. Click Update Live to confirm your changes and update your forms.
By default, Checkout displays feedback on a transaction's success or failure to the user. You can override this behaviour by setting a custom redirect to bring the user back to your website after a transaction has been completed.
You can either pass redirect URLs as a GET parameters in the Checkout URL (see below), or you can set them in the Member Area. Click administration, then account settings, and then order settings. Under Transaction Response Pages.
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