
    3D Secure - Legacy

    Effective October 16th, 2021, Visa transactions using 3DS 1.0 will no longer provide you with liability shift. Losing the liability shift means Visa will no longer take responsibility for fraudulent transactions when using 3DS 1.0.

    Verified by Visa (VbV), MasterCard SecureCode, and AMEX SafeKey are security features that prompt customers to enter a passcode when they pay by Visa, MasterCard, or AMEX. Merchants that want to integrate VbV, SecureCode, or SafeKey must have signed up for the service through their bank merchant account issuer. This service must also be enabled by our support team.

    For assistance, you can send a message to Client Services or call 1-888-472-0811.

    With a VbV, SecureCode, or SafeKey transaction, a customer is redirected to a bank portal to enter their secure pin number before a transaction is processed. The bank then returns an authentication response which must be forwarded to our API for a transaction to complete.

    In addition to this guide feel free to check out our Payment APIs Demo implementation on GitHub.

    1. Use our 2-Step process

    Use our RESTful Payment APIs to initiate the Payment and to complete the transaction request. In this standard integration, the VbV, SecureCode, and SafeKey process requires two transaction requests.

    Step 1: Submit a payment request and process the first result.

    The merchant’s processing script forwards the transaction details to our REST API. The request includes a special 'term_url' variable. This term_url variable allows the merchant to specify the URL where the bank VbV or SC, or SafeKey response is returned, after the customer enters their PIN and it is verified on the bank portal.

    POST /v1/payments HTTP/1.1
    curl \
    -H "Authorization: Passcode MzAwMjAwNTc4OjRCYUQ4MkQ5MTk3YjRjYzRiNzBhMjIxOTExZUU5Zjcw" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
            "name":"John Doe",
        "term_url": ""
    Response (HTTP status code 302 redirect)
      "merchant_data": "2ccd7715-9e97-4f11-9fff36e6584e3200",
      "contents": "",
      "links": [ 
          "rel": "continue",

    In the 302 response above, the 'merchant_data' attribute value should be saved in the current users session.

    The merchant’s process URL decodes the response redirect and displays the information in the customer’s web browser. This forwards the client to the VbV or SC, or SafeKey banking portal. On the bank portal, the customer enters their secure credit card pin number in the fields provided on the standard banking interface.

    The bank forwards a response to the merchant’s TERM URL including the following variables: - PaRes (Authentication Code) - MD (Unique Payment ID)

    Step 2: Process Transaction Auth Request

    The merchant takes the data posted to the TERM URL and posts the PaRes and MD (merchant_data) values to our RESTful Payments API on its 'continue' endpoint.

    If the transaction fails VbV or SC, or SafeKey it is declined immediately with messageId=311 (3D Secure Failed). If the transaction passes, it is forwarded to the banks for processing. On completion, an approved or declined message is sent to the merchant processing script.

    Upon success the term_url callback is called with following form encoded name/value params:

    • ('trnAmount', '15.99')
    • ('merchant_name', 'Your Merchant Inc.')
    • ('password', '')
    • ('opResponse', '')
    • ('MD', 'C82A76AB-238D-48D8-BEEDCAAB19566C00')
    • ('trnDatetime', '2/23/2017 5:52:23 PM')
    • ('PaRes', 'TEST_PaRes')
    • ('termUrl', '')
    • ('trnEncCardNumber', 'XXXX XXXX XXXX 3312')
    • ('PAC', 'TEST_PAC')
    • ('retryAttempt', '0')
      "payment_method": "credit_card", 
      "card_response": {
        "pa_res": "TEST_PaRes"
      "id": "10000026",
      "approved": "1",
      "message_id": "1",
      "message": "Approved",
      "auth_code": "TEST",
      "created": "2017-02-23T17:26:26",
      "order_number": "MyOrderId000011223344",
      "type": "PA",
      "payment_method": "CC",
      "amount": 15.99,
      "custom": {
        "ref1": "",
        "ref2": "",
        "ref3": "",
        "ref4": "",
        "ref5": ""
      "card": {
        "card_type": "VI",
        "last_four": "3312",
        "address_match": 0,
        "postal_result": 0,
        "cvd_result": 1,
        "eci": 5,
        "cavv_result": 2
      "links": [
          "rel": "complete",
          "href": "",
          "method": "POST"

    2. Use your own process

    Some large merchants complete the Verified by Visa (VbV), MasterCard SecureCode, or AMEX SafeKey certification to handle authentication on their own side. These merchants can use their existing VbV, SecureCode, or SafeKey authentication process, and send the results of the bank authentication to us with their standard transaction request. To do this, the merchant must integrate using a server-to-server type connection.

    Note: This option must be enabled by us. Contact support if you want to use this method.

    The VbV, SecureCode, or SafeKey bank authentication results must be sent with the transaction request using these three system variables:

    Attribute Description
    xid Include the 3D Secure transaction identifier (up to 20-digits).
    eci SecureECI is a 1-digit status code: 5 – authenticated; 6 – attempted, not completed.
    cavv Include the 40-character Cardholder Authentication Verification Value.
    POST /v1/payments HTTP/1.1
    curl \
    -H "Authorization: Passcode MzAwMjAwNTc4OjRCYUQ4MkQ5MTk3YjRjYzRiNzBhMjIxOTExZUU5Zjcw" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
            "name":"John Doe",
        "term_url": ""
      "id": "10000026",
      "approved": "1",
      "message_id": "1",
      "message": "Approved",
      "auth_code": "TEST",
      "created": "2017-02-23T17:26:26",
      "order_number": "MyOrderId000011223344",
      "type": "PA",
      "payment_method": "CC",
      "amount": 15.99,
      "custom": {
        "ref1": "",
        "ref2": "",
        "ref3": "",
        "ref4": "",
        "ref5": ""
      "card": {
        "card_type": "VI",
        "last_four": "3312",
        "address_match": 0,
        "postal_result": 0,
        "cvd_result": 1,
        "eci": 5,
        "cavv_result": 2
      "links": [
          "rel": "complete",
          "href": "",
          "method": "POST"