
    Receipt Integration Guide


    The following document is designed to provide an overview of the best practices for receipt generation for eCommerce and Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions. The intention is to ensure that there is clarity on the brand requirements, federal law requirements, and recommended best practices.

    Intended audience

    This guide is intended for internal staff and eCommerce or web application developers to provide the elements that need to be present on receipts for all markets. This guide does not provide all technical or business requirements for development and payment acceptance. Instead, this guide is a tool for developers that provides receipt requirements for eCommerce applications in North America Marketplace.

    Common Receipt Requirements

    eCommerce application development vendors must incorporate certain receipt data elements but may modify the layout to be consistent with their current receipt layout (unless otherwise noted in these requirements). See the table below for the required fields across the different receipt types.

    Requirement eCommerce Cardholder copy eCommerce Merchant copy MO/TO Cardholder copy MO/TO Merchant copy
    Merchant DBA (card acceptor) name, most recognizable to consumers may be:
    • DBA name as used on your website
    • Merchant URL or name used in clearing file
    X X X X
    Merchant DBA (card acceptor) location. Must match location (city, state, province, country) sent in clearing file. X X X X
    Merchant location code X X X X
    Transaction amount X X X X
    Transaction currency X X X X
    Transaction date X X X X
    Account number X X
    Truncated account number X X X X
    Truncated expiration date X X X
    Card brand X
    Unique transaction identification number X X X X
    Cardholder (purchaser) name X X X X
    Authorization code X X X X
    Transaction type X X X X
    Description of the merchandise or service X X X X
    AVS result code X X X X
    Ship to address X X X X
    Cancellation policy X X
    Price of the goods or services X X X X
    Customer service contact information X X
    Merchant online address X X X X
    Merchant must write the following letters or words on the signature line of the transaction receipt:
    • TO (Telephone order)
    • MO (Mail order)
    • Recurring transaction
    X X

    Retrieving required fields

    For a transaction request example and how to retrieve these fields, please see Receipt Field Breakdowns and Retrieval.
    Ensure you are properly authenticated with the Bambora service and create a payment transaction request using the REST API service. For more information on using the Bambora Payment API, see the developer documentation.

    Conditionally required fields

    The table below defines the fields that can be provided on a receipt under certain conditions

    Requirement eCommerce Cardholder copy eCommerce Merchant copy MO/TO Cardholder copy MO/TO Merchant copy
    If the merchant return policy is restricted, the return policy MUST be printed and located in close proximity to the cardholder signature on mail order form. X X
    If the terms and conditions of the sale are restricted, the terms MUST be printed and located in close proximity to the cardholder signature on mail order form. X X
    If a free trial period is offered, the exact date it ends MUST be printed and located in close proximity to the cardholder signature on mail order form. X X
    If the transaction undergoes Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC), then additional information MUST be printed on cardholder and merchant copies. Global Payments does not offer DCC services. X X X X
    The transaction receipt for recurring electronic commerce transactions must include the frequency and duration of the recurring transactions as agreed to by the cardholder. X X

    Optional fields

    The table below defines the fields the optional receipt fields. Although not required, including the information below may reduce chargebacks in certain instances.

    Requirement eCommerce Cardholder copy eCommerce Merchant copy MO/TO Cardholder copy MO/TO Merchant copy
    Merchant phone number X X
    Transaction time X X
    Customer email address X X
    Customer telephone number X X
    Customer billing address X X
    Detailed description of goods or service X X
    Receipt signature obtained upon delivery of goods or services X X
    Cardholder authentication result code may be printed. Displaying CID/CVV2/CVC2 is prohibited. X X
    Cardholder billing address and postal code (if different from the SHIP TO address). X X X X

    Standard Receipt Template

    The template below represents the standard receipt for all transactions, with all possible fields allocated to their desired position on the receipt. StandardReceiptTemplate-23b3b056.png

    Receipt Field Breakdowns and Retrieval

    Credit Sale (Purchase)

    The Sale transaction, also sometimes referred to as Purchase transaction, is the most basic and most common transaction used for the purchase of goods or services. In a sale, the authorizing agent's system compares the cardholder's credit limit to the amount specified in the sale transaction. If the amount is available, the card issuer transmits an approval code. If the amount is not available, then a decline is received from the card issuer.
    To receive the fields listed in the Section 1 tables above, see the transaction example below.

    Example 1: Successful Payment


    Make a payment using credit card, cash, check, profile, token, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Each payment type has its own json definition passed in the body. For all payments you have the standard Billing, Shipping, Comments, etc. fields that are optional.

    Field Type Description
    order_number string A unique order number
    amount number A decimal value in dollars. Uses up to two decimal places. Max value is account specific. Default max value is 1000.
    payment_method string The desired method of payment. Available inputs include: Credit Card - "card", Payment Profile - "payment_profile", Single Use Token - "token", Cash - "cash", Cheque - "cheque", Apple Pay - "apple_pay", Google Pay - "google_pay".
    language string Three-character input for default language
    customer_ip string IP Address of the api consumer. Required if calculating risk score.
    term_url string Callback URL used with 3D Secure payment processing.
    comments string Alphanumeric comment to accompany transaction.
    billing object Billing address of the customer.
    shipping object Shipping address of the customer.
    custom object Custom reference fields for any additional information to include, such as transaction_id, notes, etc.
    card object Credit card information. The payment_method must be 'card' if using this field.
    recurring_payment boolean A recurring transaction is a transaction where a cardholder had provided permission to a merchant to periodically charge his/her account number for recurring goods or services. The recurring payment indicator may be set for credit card based pre-auth, capture and purchase transactions.
    level2 object Level 2 processing is for B2B customers. Additional information can be provided, to the benefit of corporate/government/industrial customers, that includes a customer code & tax amounts.
    card_on_file object When processing a transaction where the credit card information is stored on file, you must pass along an indicator showing the type of credential-on-file transaction that is being processed.


        "order_number": "000011",
        "amount": 5.01,
        "payment_method": "card",
        "card": {
            "name": "Test User",
            "number": "4030000010001234",
            "expiry_month": "12",
            "expiry_year": "25",
            "cvd": 123
        "shipping": {
            "name" : "Test User",
            "address_line1" : "123 Victoria St",
            "city" : "Victoria",
            "province" : "BC",
            "country" : "CA",
            "postal_code" : "30329",
            "phone_number" : "1-250-222-3333"
         "billing": {
            "name" : "Test User",
            "address_line1" : "123 Victoria St",
            "city" : "Victoria",
            "province" : "BC",
            "country" : "CA",
            "postal_code" : "30329",
            "phone_number" : "1-250-222-3333"
        "custom": {


    If successful, you should receive a payment response with the HTTP code 200: success. The response definition is returned as outlined below:

    Field Type Description
    id string Transaction ID
    authorizing_merchant_id integer The id of the merchant that authorized the transaction.
    approved integer Approval status of payment transaction. 0 if the transaction is not approved. 1 if the transaction is approved.
    message_id integer Payment response code.
    message string Message containing information about the transactions status.
    auth_code string Authorization code.
    created string Time stamp of when the transaction occurred
    order_number string Order number.
    type string Payment transaction type
    amount number A decimal value in dollars. Uses up to two decimal places.
    payment_method string Payment method
    custom object Custom reference fields for any additional information to include, such as transaction_id, notes, etc.
    card object Credit card information. The payment_method must be 'card' if using this field.
    links array Related links provided for the transaction.
    card_on_file object When processing a transaction where the credit card information is stored on file, you must pass along an indicator showing the type of credential-on-file transaction that is being processed.


        "id": "10001756",
        "authorizing_merchant_id": 353880000,
        "approved": "1",
        "message_id": "1",
        "message": "Approved",
        "auth_code": "TEST",
        "created": "2021-07-07T10:18:34",
        "order_number": "OrderNumberExample1234",
        "type": "P",
        "payment_method": "CC",
        "risk_score": 0.1,
        "amount": 99.99,
        "custom": {
            "ref1": "",
            "ref2": "",
            "ref3": "",
            "ref4": "",
            "ref5": ""
        "card": {
            "card_type": "VI",
            "last_four": "1234",
            "address_match": 0,
            "postal_result": 0,
            "avs_result": "0",
            "cvd_result": "5",
            "eci": 7,
            "avs": {
                "id": "U",
                "message": "Address information is unavailable.",
                "processed": false


    Field Name Required Min/Max length Description
    Account number If present 1-4 The PAN (Primary Account Number) Sequence number identifies and differentiates cards with the same PAN.
    Authorization Code Always 6-6 Authorization code
    AVS Result code If present 1-1 Returns if the AVS input was an exact match
    Card Brand Always N/A Logo of the card issuer
    Cardholder Name If present N/A The cardholder name will be shown if available. For some readers this information will not be available and will not be displayed on the receipt.
    Entry Mode Always 4-16 Valid values: "Chip Read", "Mag Stripe", "Manual"
    Merchant DBA location (DBA Address) Always 0-64 Shows the merchant’s address based on the DBA address on file.
    Merchant Email Address If present 0-32 Show’s the merchant’s email address if they have one on file.
    Merchant Name (DBA Name) Always 0-32 These field is entered by the client during boarding. Depending on the configuration set up by the client, the merchant may or may not be able to modify these from ROAMmerchant.
    Merchant Phone Number Always 0-15 Contact number for the merchant. This can be set up in ROAMmerchant’s Edit Email Receipt page.
    Merchant/Customer Copy Always N/A The text "Merchant Copy" and "Customer Copy" shall appear at the bottom of the receipt. If customer copy is displayed, the text "IMPORTANT - retain this copy for your records" must also appear.
    Ship to address Always 0-64 Shows the customer’s address used for shipping at time of checkout.
    Social Media Icons for Merchant If present N/A Available spot to show Facebook, Twitter, Web icons/logos.
    Subtotal Always N/A Subtotal of the transaction.
    Tax Always N/A Total tax added to the transaction. Tax and tax percentage can be edited/toggled in the RoamPayX settings.
    TCC If present 4-4 Indicates the country of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166.
    TID If present 1-15 A unique identifier that designates the unique location of a Terminal at a merchant.
    Tip If present N/A Optional tip added to the transaction by the customer. This can be toggled on in the RoamPayX settings.
    Total Always N/A Total amount of the transaction, including any tax, tips or discounts.
    Transaction amount Always N/A The finalized amount of the sale
    Transaction currency Always 3-3 Code of the currency that was used at the time of the transaction. Default is USD.
    Transaction date Always 14-14 Local device time zone, used to display the time that the transaction took place.
    Transaction ID Always 6-6 Generated transaction ID.
    Transaction Message Always N/A Approval/Decline on the transaction.
    Transaction Note If present N/A Optional note to provide more information about a given transaction.
    Transaction type Always N/A Type of payment used at the point of sale (e.g. "Credit", "Debit", "Cash").